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Individual Compliance
A Do-Not-Call Consultant’s job is to dig down into the everyday calling and marketing procedures for larger companies, looking for potential areas of legal exposure.
This video is for informational purposes. Be sure to consult your own attorney for questions specific to your business.
A Do Not Call Consultant will make sure these details are part of all third-party vendor agreements.
Don’t let these questions go unasked. You need to know exactly what records are being kept, and for how long, and how the information is shared.
Your Do-Not-Call Consultant might review the rules related to taking payment over the phone, including:
All of these policies and enforcement records need to be maintained by your company.
If your company has multiple outreach mandates, marketing avenues, and upsells, it’s a good idea to have a Certified Compliance Consultant come in and take a look. It’s like being audited by government agencies – without the penalties – so you have time to fix things.
Our top Do Not Call Consultants help the larger, more complex compliance targets with telemarketing, Do Not Call compliance, and marketing rules. We’ll go into your company and discover everything from lead generation, to recordkeeping, to telemarketer registrations and renewals. We want to know in close detail how you operate, provide a traditional GAP analysis, and make sure you’re in full compliance with all federal and state laws. And if you need ongoing service, we offer retainer agreements for regular consultations with easy monthly payments.
Call me for a free compliance chat to see if you might benefit from a Do Not Call Compliance Consultant. That’s 561-317-3001.
Helpful Related Pages: DNC Enterprise-Wide Compliance. Multi-department compliance from the ground up.
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[fa icon="phone"] 1-800-800-5002
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Jupiter, FL 33477