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Previous FTC feedback has shown several Do Not Call regulatory violation investigations were brought on by single telemarketer mistakes. Because new telemarketing laws are constantly changing with increasing penalties, it’s prudent for every company to be DNC compliant.
Before taking the plunge with your dialer and/or call center, make sure you’re asking the right compliance questions.
Questions to ask:
1. Does the hosted dialer company have an in-house DNC solution, or are they contracted with a specialist?
2. Is the third party compliance provider certified to integrate with your systems?
3. How are DNC Policies, Procedures and Enforcements archived?
AND Remember: You are responsible for reasonable oversight on your contracted call center operations. See: Hosted Predictive Dialer Solution Tips to Avoid TCPA Violations.
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Companies Comply With
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[fa icon="phone"] 1-800-800-5002
[fa icon="home"] 800 Xanadu Place
Jupiter, FL 33477