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Permission-based calling is the best way to go, but it's also the riskiest. About 25 percent of cell phone owners who live in densely populated areas change their number each year. It’s much more prevalent than you might think.
A quarter of collector complaints received by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau are “no debt owed,” and it’s believed most of those are calls to the wrong party. Courts have indicated you, the calling party, are responsible for verifying that you are calling the person you intend to call. The problem is, for cell phones anyway, that information is largely unavailable.
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler reiterates this in his May 27'th, 2015 blog, "We also close the 'reassigned number' loophole, making clear that consumers who inherit a phone number will not be subject to a barrage of unwanted robocalls OK'd by the previous owner of the number."
And the older your data - the more likely you are to call the wrong person.
Our Reassigned Number - Right Party Verification Compliance Data is compiled and updated from top industry sources including the carriers themselves, and we've priced it not to break the bank. Our verification system is designed from the ground up with TCPA Do Not Call compliance in mind - including up to 94% accuracy in cell ownership identity certainty. Carrier disconnect/reconnect cell data matched to your permission-to-call records provide the backbone of the most accurate number verification system in the industry.
And reassigned number "best effort" procedures can go a long way should you ever end up in court. Possibly the difference between class action certification - or not.
The older your data, the more you need right party verification. Give us a call on my personal line at 561-317-3001 or email me here and we’ll catch up. I pick up the phone!
You can't afford NOT to verify your express consent and written express consents for both telemarketing and non-marketing calls today. So get a third party compliance expert on your team and make sure that data handed to you by that "old reliable" source is still up to date.
Call on my direct line to discuss your personal situation - 561-317-3001 - Bob.
Related Articles:
Reassigned Numbers must be Right Party Verified on Permission-based Calls: TCPA.
How do I know I'm calling the right person? Check for Reassigned Numbers.
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