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This video is for informational purposes. Be sure to consult your own attorney for questions specific to your business.
By identifying professional litigator cell owners before contacting them, you can head off TCPA problems before they occur. Although the total number of people who complain is small, these are the people that can really hurt you.
They know the game. They know who to hire. And after you call it’s too late. There’s no substitute for meticulous tracking of litigators against companies calling cell owners here. It’s only a few, less than 85,000, and growing 1500 to 2500 per month, but it’s the well-educated and capable few that sue over and over. You don’t want to be calling these people.
This is the professional call you want to avoid as a result of your B2C - and now B2B communications: "You'll need to write me a check for $6,000 or I’m bringing you to court. You contacted my business mobile phone, so obviously you’re not scrubbing cells. You're also not registered with the National and State Do Not Call Lists, as my number is on those also. I know you are using a predictive dialer because of the pause at the beginning of your call – another express written permission violation under the TCPA. I assume you won't want to challenge me since the wireless laws changed October 16th, 2014 to become consumer/business agnostic. As you know, it will cost you a lot more than $6,000 to attempt to defend yourself - And as you've undoubtedly made lots of these types of communications, I'll be sure to ask for class action status if you do go to court.”
Bloomberg Law continues from July 2015, "...TCPA Lawsuits have been filed across many industries, including against social networking companies (Twitter Inc., GroupMe),3 sports franchises (Los Angeles Clippers, Buffalo Bills),4 pharmacies (CVS Pharmacy Inc., Rite Aid Corp.),5 travel and entertainment companies (Cirque du Soleil Co.),6 retailers (Best Buy Co., J.C. Penney Co.)7 and online service providers (29 Prime Inc.)." No business vertical is exempt from the TCPA today.
Our Litigant Scrub is cost effective, up to date, and essential in today’s calling environment - Call me on my personal line at 561-317-3001 to talk about your personal situation.
Update March 26, 2016: With the substantial increase in TCPA court filings, up 38.9% this January over last, we've included an additional video on the importance of running even your best TCPA Compliant Leads through Litigator Scrub before dialing! - Bob
Quickly and easily isolating litigious consumers by phone numbers associated with known plaintiffs is a no brainer in today’s DNC compliance environment. These are the folks who have filed DNC, TCPA, FDCPA, FCRA and related litigation in the past – and know alot about how and when to sue. You don’t want to tangle with this crowd. We make it easy to add this critical scrub to your DNC Compliance initiatives and help further mitigate your marketing risk in this area.
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