Cell scrubs are all the same, right? As a call center manager, you probably don't give them much thought. Maybe an existing vendor is helping identify and archive your cells as required by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Maybe you're not identifying them at all. But take a closer look. Cell scrubbing can be an opportunity to take advantage of critical call prohibition safeguards.
Bob Traylor
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Recent Posts
7 Essential Cell Scrubbing Secrets for Call Centers.
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 17, 2018 7:30:00 AM / by Bob Traylor posted in Call Center/Dialer Compliance
Two very different DNC/TCPA call solutions: Number Scrubbing vs Ringless Voicemail.
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 20, 2018 7:30:00 AM / by Bob Traylor posted in Call Center/Dialer Compliance
If your call center is going down the Ringless Voicemail path, the theory is your cell calls fall outside the TCPA. The consumer doesn't pay for the call. The call never touches the wireless system. And voicemail is separately regulated as an Enhanced Information System not covered by the TCPA. If you're making standard phone calls, however, you'll need to look at cell scrubbing, DNC list registrations and reassigned number scrubbing for permission-based calls. And don't forget the calling method: Hand Dialing vs Automatic Telephone Dialing Systems.
FCC close to creating own reassigned number database.
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 15, 2018 7:30:00 AM / by Bob Traylor posted in Reassigned Numbers Scrub
That's been the problem with making businesses responsible for consumer cell changes, right? Where the heck
FCC to address scam and spoof ID calls.
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 13, 2018 7:30:00 AM / by Bob Traylor posted in Call Center/Dialer Compliance
On March 23'rd the FCC is holding a joint policy forum on illegal robocalls and private sector solutions to stop them. "Scam robocalls and deceptive spoofing are real threats to American consumers, and they are the number one consumer complaint at the FCC, " says Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai in the joint FCC/FTC release.
New Caller ID Monitor helps increase completion rates.
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 8, 2018 7:30:00 AM / by Bob Traylor posted in Call Center/Dialer Compliance
Call completion rates are down substantially since phone carriers started implementing "scam likely" ID procedures last November. As a result, phone marketers can't tell when their ANI's get replaced by the dreaded message - cutting down on successful call completions. Wouldn't it be nice to know your intended caller ID was actually being delivered - thus increasing successful events? Well, now you can. Read on.
For all you telemarketing compliance do-it-your-selfers: Litigator Scrub.
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 6, 2018 7:30:00 AM / by Bob Traylor posted in Litigator Scrub
You like taking on the Telephone Consumer Protection Act by yourself. Downloading the National and State Lists. Finding and archiving pesky cell phones on your own. Keeping track of internal Do-Not-Call lists honoring requests not to be contacted anymore. But there's one thing you can't do on your own: Create a list of individuals most likely to sue your business under these call prohibition laws. The people that have sued before under the TCPA
It's no fun to receive calls on the phone anymore.
[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 8, 2018 10:10:32 AM / by Bob Traylor posted in Call Center/Dialer Compliance
Forget schemes to help penetrate cell phone inventories like ringless voicemail, avatars, and robocalls. Now, solicitors call consumers and merely hang up - hoping the prospect will call back on local caller ID. Claiming the consumer called them, "Ya, that's it. They called me your Honor. My call was never completed."
Litigator Scrub: Most Important TCPA Call Compliance Solution today?
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 30, 2018 7:30:00 AM / by Bob Traylor posted in Litigator Scrub
How important is it to avoid calling folks that have sued previously under the TCPA, Do-Not-Call, FDCPA, FCRA and related CFPB cases? As a marketer reaching out to consumers and other businesses, is Litigator Scrub a must have? - Or should it be relegated to the back
FTC received 4.5 million robocall complaints in 2017 and rising. That's a bunch of angry people!
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 23, 2018 7:30:00 AM / by Bob Traylor posted in Call Center/Dialer Compliance
Although business access to the Do-Not-Call registry is up, (over 2,000 paid businesses and 15,000 unpaid), consumer robocall complaints continue to skyrocket. Technology and questionable call creativity continue to take center stage. What's up?
Misuse of Avatar Calls. Shame on you Telemarketers.
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 19, 2018 11:00:00 AM / by Bob Traylor posted in Avatar TCPA Compliant Dialers
Avatars now talk "over" call recipients with introductions that go on and on. Calling "in response to your request for information" - a lie. Threatening with bold officer-like fundraising voices from scam police associations. On the flip side, Avatars remain one of the most effective technologies for phone solicitors. Too bad the telemarketing industry has overstepped reasonable marketing boundaries once again - leading to robocall express written consent classification of the technology, severely restricting legal use.